Threshold makes a big difference.

Same images above analyzed with three different thresholds which reduces colocalization by eliminating diffuse background labeling.
Colums report threshold, number pixels measured, and correlation.

threshold 10 threshold 20 threshold 40
1 10 30402 1
2 10 29047 0.7832
3 10 28795 0.5914
4 10 28674 0.4741
5 10 29254 0.3343
1 20 24791 1
2 20 22469 0.7278
3 20 21801 0.4689
4 20 21748 0.3201
t5 20 22345 0.1387
1 40 14403 1
2 40 11265 0.7254
3 40 10372 0.426
4 40 10188 0.2639
5 40 9857 0.01757

Images pictured at progressive thresholds:

Macros used for these results and image data used.

Note how a dramatic threshold, which preserves only the brightest structures, changes the results dramatically as the image shifts out of register. A shift of 2 pixels results in 50% correlation, not 73% to 78%.
The threshold is really 90, not 40, because 50 was subtracted from the image and was used in the analsys for a total of 90.

Therefore, if interested in reporting colocalization of the brightest structures, an aggressive threshold is preferred.


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