One of the benefits of this microscope is the Zyla 5.5 camera which covers a large field of view at high resolution. Therefore, using the full resolution of any lens on the microscope, many features may be imaged with a single fast exposure.

This image shows the full field of view. This is displayed here at 25% of the full spatial resolution. This is raw data with only linear contrast adjustment.


The image in the boxed area is shown immediately below at full resolution. One pixel in the display represtents one pixel on the camera. This is raw data with only linear contrast adjustment. The focal plane is 2 to 3 um off the coverslip.


The exposure time for each channel was 300 ms and the images were taken sequentially. The following movie is at 1.9 seconds intervals. Keep in mind that although we are only showing a movie of one cell, we in fact have a movie of the entire large field of view shown above which includes multiple cells. This movie did have local contrast enhancements applied.



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