Notes for DeltaVision DV 3rd floor Skirball

Example Publication With This Instrument:

Kim MK, Smith S. Persistent telomere cohesion triggers a prolonged anaphase. Mol Biol Cell. 2014 Jan;25(1):30-40. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E13-08-0479. Epub 2013 Oct 30. PMID: 24173716



Spatial Scales

Camera set at 1X1 binning with full field 1024 X 1024 pixels.
If you open the images, make sure your browser display is set 1:1 or download & save the image before loading it into ImageJ or other analysis software,

Objective Lens Type & N.A. Pixel Size Field Size

Zeiss Plan-NeoFluar N.A. 0.15

1.17 um 1198 X 1198 um
10X Olympus Plan N N.A. 0.25 Ph1 0.65 um 666 X 666 um
20X Olympus UPlanSApo N.A. 0.75 0.32 um

328 X 328 um

40X Zeiss NeoFluar N.A. 1.3 0.15 um 154 X 154 um
60X Olympus PlanApo N N.A. 1.42 0.11 um 113 X 113 um
100X Zeiss Plan-ApoChromat N.A. 1.4 0.06 um 61 X 61 um
100X 1.6X eyepiece Zeiss Plan-ApoChromat N.A. 1.4 0.038 um 39 X 39 um

objective lenses
(not to scale)


Settings for fluorescent blocks turret under objectives.

  1. (Unlabeled, 3 holes, pictured above) Standard all 4 channels
  2. CFP-YFP-mCherry Live
  3. GFP-mCherry Live
  4. empty
  5. empty
  6. empty





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